Monday, February 25, 2013

Writers Prayer

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Sweet Author of Life. The One who composed all things into existence.

I praise You. 

El Shaddai. Yes. The All-Sufficient God.

The Beautiful One who cannot stop creating beauty or expressing love.

Because that is who You are.

When I was sinking deep in the ash pit, You lifted my head and spoke love over me.
Thank you Jesus for removing my torn cloak of tangled identity and for draping Your crimson-dipped royal-robe with golden cords of love around me.

Only a King like You, could take mortal wounds like mine, and use them to breath life into my very soul. 

It makes me long to worship You with my whole heart, soul, mind, strength .....and every word that falls from these lips and through my fingertips.

I bow my head low and pray .....that You would be lifted high. 

Oh I want to be a psalmist Lord.  Expressing light and life through the lens of my heart, my words and my camera.

May I write with passion, power, and clarity.

What ever You have for me. That's what I want.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

Not more followers or page views or comments.
It is Your accolades I seek Lord.
Indeed I want to write for my audience of One.

Make my words Your words.
My story Your story
   ....for Your glory.

Would You make these words pleasing to You and send them forth like healing salve poured over those that ponder them?

Gather this collections of letters carved out, to pave the path that will lead hearts to you Lord.

May I speak the language of truth, life and love.

Might I pen what is refreshment and effervescent life to those that the words wash over.

Indeed, pour Your grace over every character, through every space and fill every margin.

Breath life into each piece of my heart tapped out.
Bless those who read the words that You give me. 
Yes, bless them and may they feel the love You offer to all.

Take my limited perspective and infuse it with Your infinite Spirit.

May my anthem be freedom in Christ.
Make my banner that of love and acceptance.

Connect hearts in the way that only You Creator God would be able to do

May searching hearts miraculously find You in this place.
Let the eyes of my heart see how to pray for them.

Put a hedge of protection around me.
Around those who read.
Encircle this little blog home that is dedicated to You. 

As I pluck from the places in my heart, and offer them to You, would You make them into something real and holy and healed?

And as I set my fingers to the keyboard I ask that you give me Your heart Jesus. Your words. For this time. For that person who You will draw to that page. Let it be only what You desire.

In all things Lord I desire that what I do, point souls to You for the answers they seek, for the filling they crave, the peace they are desperate for.

My strength is in You Jesus. May my writing be an expressed worship of love though You and extend as far as You will take it.

Oh may I not run ahead of You.

This blog.
It is my art.
A place of my worship.
One way that I serve You.
My deep desire is that my words serve You well.

Please let it reflects Your beauty and love.

And finally, may I live a life worth writing about. 

Amen. Amen.

* Teaming up today with 'Story Circle Writing Group' and penning a Writer's Prayer

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© Rhonda Quaney